720 XTF Search Results (docsPerPage=100;f123-subject=Open and closed shop -- Law and legislation -- Ohio.);f123-subject%3DOpen%20and%20closed%20shop%20--%20Law%20and%20legislation%20--%20Ohio. Results for your query: docsPerPage=100;f123-subject=Open and closed shop -- Law and legislation -- Ohio. Tue, 28 Jul 2020 12:00:00 GMT Lorain City Federation of Labor Records. Lorain City Federation of Labor The Lorain City Federation of labor was the central labor body of the American Federation of Labor in Lorain, Ohio prior to its merger with the Elyria AFL and the Lorain County CIO in 1961. It was founded as Lorain County Central Labor in 1917. The collection consists of minutes of the federation, 1932-1953; minutes of the merger committee and clippings, 1957-1961; and minutes and clippings of United Organized Labor of Lorain County, 1958. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT International Association of Machinists, District #54 Records. International Association of Machinists, District #54 The International Association of Machinists, District 54, is the district lodge founded in 1913 to coordinate the interests and activities of various Cleveland, Ohio, IAM locals. It was led by President Matthew DeMore, 1939-1961. District 54 was known for its progressive social philosophy and it set the standards on issues of medical insurance, pension plans and other benefits which were models for other unions. District 54 also initiated several cooperative programs for its members, including the Cleveland Homes Committee to provide low cost quality housing, the Co-op of Cleveland, a consumers' cooperative, and the Union Eye Care Center. The collection consists of minutes, newsletters, correspondence, reports, contracts, financial records, membership rosters, business agents' weekly reports, grievance and arbitration proceedings, organizing files, scrapbooks, newspapers and periodicals relating to the day-to-day activities of a major Cleveland union and its relationship to the International headquarters, s... Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT