720 XTF Search Results (docsPerPage=100;f123-format=Manuscript Collection);f123-format%3DManuscript%20Collection Results for your query: docsPerPage=100;f123-format=Manuscript Collection Tue, 28 Jul 2020 12:00:00 GMT Automotive Marque File Collection. Western Reserve Historical Society A collection of materials depicting automotive history including dealer brochures, owner's manuals, shop service manuals and bulletins, parts lists, customer mailings, and employee publications. Thu, 01 Jan 2015 12:00:00 GMT Emma Boutelle Hawley Genealogical Data. Hawley, Emma Boutelle 3033.xml Emma Boutelle Hawley (1880-1967) was a genealogist who served as Head Genealogist at the Western Reserve Historical Society in Cleveland, Ohio, from 1942-1956. The collection consists of random correspondence, genealogical charts, memoranda, and other records, relating to families researched by Mrs. Hawley, representing her efforts at tracing family histories for persons in New York, Ohio, and elsewhere. 3033.xml Tue, 01 Jan 2019 12:00:00 GMT Agora Cleveland Records and Photographs. Agora Cleveland 4939.xml Henry "Hank" LoConti, started the Agora in 1966 and it operated primarily as a dance club for a number of years. The organization grew and evolved over the 1970s and 1980s to focus more on concerts and it became a prominent player in the world of professional music, booking acts that revitalized the rock'n'roll genre and created the core for progressive rock. In 2023, The Agora continued to put on concerts that highlight new musical trends, young and upcoming touring acts, and local bands. This collection consists of advertisements, announcements, contracts, guest lists, financials, office files, performer files, photographs, press releases, newspaper and magazine articles, venues and event files. 4939.xml Sun, 01 Jan 2023 12:00:00 GMT James A. Garfield Family Papers, Series IV. James A. Garfield Family 4959.xml The James A. Garfield Family Papers, Series IV 1856-1989 and undated, consists of published books, calling cards, correspondences, court dockets, photographs, report cards, scrapbooks, and a joke certificate of membership in the "Tennis Cabinet." 4959.xml Tue, 01 Jan 2019 12:00:00 GMT Diana Tittle Mount Sinai Medical Center Research Papers. Tittle, Diana 5413.xml Mount Sinai Hospital (1903-2000) had its origins in the Young Ladies Hebrew Association for the Care of the Needy Sick, created in 1892 by nine young women in Cleveland, Ohio. The hospital opened in 1903. In 1996, the nonprofit hospital was sold to a for-profit company, Primary Health Systems (PHS). In March 1999, PHS filed for bankruptcy, and in February 2000, Mount Sinai Hospital closed. The closure of Mount Sinai was a significant development in the history of medicine in the Cleveland area and in the history of the Jewish community. Diana Tittle, author of Welcome to Heights High: The Crippling Politics of Restructuring America's Public Schools and other titles, began research on a book documenting the closure of Mt. Sinai in 2004. Amid concerns that the ongoing consolidation of the health care delivery system and the ongoing national health care debate would overshadow her publication, Tittle reached the decision to pursue an alternative use for her research other than publication. Th... 5413.xml Tue, 01 Jan 2019 12:00:00 GMT Hal Lebovitz Papers. Lebovitz, Margie 5434.xml Hal (Harold) Lebovitz (1911-2005) was a sportswriter and columnist. He wrote for The Cleveland Press, The Plain Dealer, The News-Herald, and several other local papers. The collection consists of his personal and professional papers, primarily newspaper clippings. Lebovitz was well known for his column "Ask Hal",which answered readers' questions about sports rules. In 2000 Lebovitz was inducted into the sportswriters section of the Baseball Hall of Fame, in Cooperstown, New York. 5434.xml Wed, 01 Jan 2020 12:00:00 GMT Albert Ratner Papers. Gift of Albert Ratner 5442.xml Albert B. Ratner, was born in Cleveland in 1927. Albert married Faye Katz (1931-1978) in 1950 and had two children, Deborah Ratner (b. 1959) and Brian Ratner (b. 1957). Faye was killed in an automobile accident in 1978. Albert later married Audrey Gilbert Pritzker (b. 1928) in 1981. In the 1950s, Albert joined the family business, Forest City Materials, which had been established as a lumber and building materials company back in the 1920s. He continued to serve in numerous positions at Forest City until the company was purchased by Brookfield Asset Management in 2018. Albert has served on the governing boards of numerous local, state, and international business and cultural organizations. His community involvement and philanthropic activities have been widely recognized by organizations and agencies such as Builders Magazine, the Business Hall of Fame of Cleveland, Financial World Magazine, Harvard Business Club, the Jewish Community Federation of Cleveland, and the United States ... 5442.xml Tue, 01 Jan 2019 12:00:00 GMT Wyse Advertising Collection. Sheila Wyse 5443.xml Marc Wyse (born Marc Weiss in Hungary), a noted pioneer in the advertising industry, moved to New York and then Cleveland. He died in 2011 at age eighty eight leaving behind his second wife Sheila, his children, and grandchildren. In 1951, Wyse began his work in the advertising industry when he and his first wife, Lois, opened their own advertising agency in Cleveland. Wyse Advertising became one of Cleveland's best known advertising agencies. Their most notable achievements include the slogan "with a name like Smucker's it has to be good" for the company Smucker's which the company still uses. They are also credited for adding the "beyond" to the company Bed, Bath, and Beyond. Wyse died in 2011 after suffering complications from a stroke. When he died, he left his memoir The Way I Saw It unfinished. The collection consists of articles, artwork, awards, business cards, correspondence, financial notes, newspaper clippings, photographs, and scripts, along with VHS, DVD, and cassette recordings. 5443.xml Tue, 01 Jan 2019 12:00:00 GMT Maury Feren Papers, Series II. Gift of Maury Feren 5444.xml Maurice "Maury" and his wife Bess Nagelbush started the M.B. Feren Produce business in the 1940s, which quickly became the leading wholesale fruit supplier in Cleveland. Feren also founded Feren Fruit Basket, a retail gift basket business, and Fruit Baskets by Maury. Feren became widely known throughout Cleveland on radio and television programs from the 1940s to 2010 where he commented on food and nutrition. He also lectured on food, physical fitness, and other topics at local colleges and universities. The collection consists of articles, audio cassettes, awards, books published by Maury Feren, a booklet, a certificate, CDs and DVDs, correspondence, drafts, a Glenville High School diploma, handwritten memoirs, newspaper clippings, photographs, reels, and VHS tapes. 5444.xml Tue, 01 Jan 2019 12:00:00 GMT Jewish Bakers Union collection. Gift of Abe Herskovitz 5445.xml The Jewish Bakers Union is a subsidiary of the Bakery, Confectionary, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers' International Union. Local 56 represented employees of Jewish owned bakeries in Cleveland, Ohio. Jack Herskovitz, a Holocaust survivor, became a pioneering figure in the Jewish Bakers Union. He was voted President of Local 56 around 1967. He negotiated many labor agreements with employers and their attorneys representing the baking industry. He was consistently re-elected without opposition by the membership for 23 years. He retired in 1990 and passed away on April 29, 2016. His son, Abe, was elected President in 1990 and merged Local 56 into Bakers' Local 19 in 2003, and subsequently served as a Business Agent, Business Manager and then Treasurer of Local 19. As a result of the merger, the membership joined the largest Bakers' (BCTGM) Union in the USA and Canada. The Jewish Bakers Union collection consists of agreements, correspondence, financial reports, minutes, newsletters, and a news article. 5445.xml Sat, 01 Jan 2022 12:00:00 GMT Nina Freedlander Gibans Family Papers. Gift of Nina Gibans 5446.xml Nina Freedlander Gibans has been active in Greater Cleveland's arts, culture and educational community for nearly six decades as an arts advocate, administrator, author, and teacher as well as a community volunteer. Gibans was born on July 30, 1932. Her family, the Freedlanders, were, according to family legend, peddlers who headed west in the 1880s from Buffalo, New York. They settled in Wooster, Ohio in the 1940s, where they founded and operated Freedlander's Department Store. After her marriage to architect James Gibans, the family moved to San Francisco where James found work. It was the height of the Beat Era; there Nina often gave poetry readings and had connections with Allen Ginsberg and Lawrence Ferlinghetti. Upon her family's return to Cleveland in 1960, Gibans immersed herself in the local and regional arts community. She has been the executive producer of five video programs, three of which have been shown on local public television. Gibans has also served on many panels, boards and ... 5446.xml Tue, 01 Jan 2019 12:00:00 GMT Belle Likover Family Papers. Gift of Terry Moen 5447.xml Belle Weiner Likover grew up in Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania. She graduated from The Ohio State University and in 1945 moved to Cleveland, where she later attended Case Western Reserve University and earned her graduate degree in social work. She was widowed when her first husband, Joseph Tracht, was killed in World War II. She then married Edward Likover in 1946. Belle Likover and her husband, Ed, were caught up in the paranoia of the McCarthy era, an experience that shaped her lifelong commitment to civil liberties. She spent twenty-two-years at the Jewish Community Center as a group worker and ultimately became Associate Executive Director of the agency. In retirement and up until her death, she was a tireless advocate on behalf of the elderly serving as chair for many senior advocacy organizations, including the Western Reserve Agency on Aging Board of Trustees, Council on Older Persons, Coalition to Monitor Medicare Managed Care, and the Ohio Advisory Council on Aging. She was a delegate to the White H... 5447.xml Tue, 01 Jan 2019 12:00:00 GMT Iris and Mort November Family Papers. Gift of Iris November 5448.xml Morton "Mort" November, noted philanthropist, was born in Cleveland, Ohio, on September 2, 1926. He graduated from East Technical High School in Cleveland. He later enlisted in the U.S. Army and served in Japan at the end of World War II. After the war, he worked as a salesman with the Lincoln National Life Insurance Company. In 1948, November married Phyllis Tetalman. They had one daughter, Debra Ann, who died at the early age of 24 in 1977. All of his charitable efforts made under the "November Philanthropy" were dedicated in her name. His first wife died in 1979. Three years later in 1982 he married Iris Flaxman. Together they continued his many philanthropic projects and interests, including at the Cleveland Clinic, Rainbow Babies and Children's Hospital, MetroHealth Medical Center and Ronald McDonald House. Both were also active in the Democratic Party. Mort died on July 12, 2015. Following his death, Iris continued their work through November Philanthropy. The Iris and Mort November Family Papers co... 5448.xml Tue, 01 Jan 2019 12:00:00 GMT Florence Azoff Wish Papers. Gift of Elliot Azoff 5449.xml Florence Meschan was born January 29, 1918 in Cleveland, Ohio, the daughter of Helen Anna Gordon and Julius Meschan. Florence was valedictorian of Glenville High School in 1936. After graduating from the University of Chicago, she returned to Cleveland in 1941 to marry Martin Azoff. She became a social worker for the local welfare office and for the State Aid to Aged Division. In the 1950s, she co-founded two Hebrew programs that survive as of 2019, Ganon Gil Nursery School and Camp Oneg. She also served as president of the Cleveland Hebrew Schools, Oneg's parent organization. In 1962, she became the first president of the women's association of the Jewish Orthodox Home for the Aged in Cleveland. Widowed in 1964, Azoff returned to work as the first woman professional at the Jewish Community Federation, serving in its women's division. In 1967, she became the Jewish Home's activities director. A year later, she helped launch Menorah Park. She later researched, designed and oversaw its Senior Day... 5449.xml Tue, 01 Jan 2019 12:00:00 GMT Herman Seid Israel Photographs. Judith Seid 5450.xml Herman Seid (1908-1980), Cleveland Press photographer for more than five decades, photographed sites in Israel on a trip sponsored by Cleveland Jewish industrialists in 1959. During his eight-day trip to Israel, he shot approximately 220 photographs of the then 10+ year old Jewish state. Seid, who was 72 when he passed away in 1980, was a charter member of the Cleveland Newspaper Guild, a member of the Cleveland Newspaper Photographers Association, and Fairmount Temple. He won photography awards from the Guild, the Photographers Association, the May Show at the Cleveland Museum of Art, and Time and Look magazines. Seid was an official volunteer photographer for the Jewish Community Center for about thirty years. 5450.xml Tue, 01 Jan 2019 12:00:00 GMT Samuel Miller Papers and Photographs. Gift of Sam Miller 5451.xml Samuel H. "Sam" Miller was born on June 26, 1921 in Cleveland, Ohio. He graduated from Western Reserve University in Cleveland and earned a scholarship to attend Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts, where he received an MBA. He served in the U.S. Navy from 1942 to 1946. In 1947, Miller joined Forest City Material Company, the precursor to Forest City Enterprises, and was instrumental in the success of Forest City, being credited with spearheading the company's move into land development. Miller was a lifetime honorary trustee of the Jewish Federation of Cleveland and the National Conference of Christians and Jews, and an honorary trustee of Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland. He was a past chair of Israel Bonds and the Cleveland Jewish Welfare Fund. He also served on many boards of trustees, including: Jewish National Fund, Maltz Museum of Jewish Heritage, WVIZ, Urban League, Cleveland State University, John Carroll University, Baldwin Wallace University, Notre ... 5451.xml Tue, 01 Jan 2019 12:00:00 GMT Albert Stern Papers. Gift of Mickey Stern 5452.xml Albert "Al" Stern was born in 1927 in Toronto, Ohio, and grew up in Wheeling, West Virginia with his parents and two brothers. After serving in the Navy at the end of World War II, he attended Indiana University and graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration. He moved to Cleveland in 1951 and for several years worked as a sales agent in the door and window industry. He then started his own manufacturers' representative sales firm. Over the next 30 years, Al built A. Stern & Co. into a very successful agency. Al was very active in various peace and justice organizations, ranging from civil rights to integrated housing, anti-nuclear activities, and the anti-war movements. Al and his wife Merle (nicknamed Mickey) also helped found the secular Jewish Sunday School in Cleveland, which evolved into the Jewish Secular Community. Al had a deep emotional attachment to Israel and its survival. For over thirty years, Al was a passionate proponent of peace in the Middle East. He ... 5452.xml Tue, 01 Jan 2019 12:00:00 GMT Julie Auerbach Family Papers. Gift of Julie Auerbach 5453.xml Julie Jaslow Auerbach received her Masters of Arts in Jewish Studies from the Cleveland College of Judaic Studies. She was the Director of Jewish Family & Adult Education at the Gross Schechter Day School. She was formerly a Curriculum Associate at the Jewish Education Center of Cleveland and a Senior Educator for Melitz. Currently, Auerbach lives part of the year in Shaker Heights and part of the year in Jerusalem, and as of 2019 was writing regularly about life in Israel for the Cleveland Jewish News. Walter Jaslow was born in 1922. In 1981, Walter Jaslow spearheaded the Jewish Chaplaincy Hospital visitation program at University Hospitals (UH). He served as chaplain at the old Montefiore Home on Mayfield Road until his retirement in 1996. In the last years of his life, Jaslow volunteered at Menorah Park, where he took great joy in playing music for residents. Jaslow died on September 27, 2000 at age 78 in Cleveland. The Julie Auerbach Family Papers collection consists of agendas, awards, a ... 5453.xml Tue, 01 Jan 2019 12:00:00 GMT Stanley J. Schachter Papers. Gift of Stanley Schachter 5454.xml Stanley Joshua Schachter was born on May 27, 1929 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. After serving for 15-years as vice chancellor at The Jewish Theological Seminary, he moved to Chicago where he began his rabbinical career. Schachter and his wife Lifsa moved to Cleveland in the 1980s when Schachter was offered the position of senior rabbi at B'nai Jeshurun. The leadership at B'nai Jeshurun worked closely with Schachter during the synagogue's historic move to the Pepper Pike facility. From 1987 to 2002, Schachter served as the synagogue's spiritual leader, and was rabbi emeritus until his retirement in 2015. Following his retirement, Schachter continued to teach at the Siegal College of Judaic Studies and worked as Jewish chaplain at The Cleveland Clinic. In 2007, his book The Book of Laughter and Torah was published, which describes the relationship between Jewish humor and Jewish religious teachings. The Stanley J. Schachter Papers collection consists of articles, notes, sermons, and speeches. 5454.xml Tue, 01 Jan 2019 12:00:00 GMT Jack Saul Audio Visual Collection. Gift of Hinda Saul 5455.xml Jack Saul was born in 1923 in Cleveland, Ohio. He was a significant collector of classical music recordings, memorabilia, and ephemera related to the performing arts. Saul supported musical groups of all kinds throughout the greater Cleveland, Ohio, area, including Jewish music. Saul died at age 86 in 2009. The Jack Saul Audio Visual Collection consists of newspaper clippings, photographs, programs, records, reels, and tapes. 5455.xml Tue, 01 Jan 2019 12:00:00 GMT Workmen's Circle Records, Series IV. Gift of Jack Greminger 5456.xml The Workmen's Circle, or Arbeiter Ring, is a secular Jewish fraternal organization founded to build a better world, foster cultural Jewishness, and offer friendships. Early on, the Circle was viewed as an organization of labor unionists, including Socialists, although there was no official connection. Members demonstrated for social security, unemployment compensation, child labor laws, workmen's compensation, and health security, and supported candidates who were in favor of these issues. The group also provided lectures, poetry readings, plays, shows, and concerts in Yiddish. Camp Vladek (called the Workmen's Circle Camp) in Rock Creek, Ohio was a summer resort for adults and a children's camp from 1950-1963, when it was sold and the proceeds were used to build a Workmen's Circle Educational Center at 1980 Green Road in 1964. The I. L. Peretz Workmen's Circle School first opened in 1918 and became a center for adult Yiddish classes and Yiddish cultural programming. Since the Holocaust, the Ci... 5456.xml Tue, 01 Jan 2019 12:00:00 GMT Milton Wolf Papers. Gift of Jewish Community Federation of Cleveland 5459 (2).xml Milton Wolf was born in 1924 in Cleveland, Ohio. The son of a policeman, he graduated from Glenville High School. During World War II, Wolf served in the U.S. Army Air Force as a meteorologist. After the war, he married Roslyn Zehman. Wolf founded the Zehman-Wolf Construction Company in Cleveland in 1948 and ultimately came to lead it for nearly 30 years. In 1948, Wolf earned bachelor's degrees in chemistry and biology and an honorary doctor of diplomacy degree from The Ohio State University. A lifelong student, he was awarded another bachelor's degree in civil engineering in 1954 and a master's and Ph.D. in economics from Case Western Reserve University in 1973 and 1993, respectively. He co-authored several scholarly articles on international economics. Wolf was a board member and director of several businesses, nonprofit groups and universities, including the American Greetings Corporation, the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, the Cleveland Clinic Foundation, the Cleveland Or... 5459 (2).xml Fri, 01 Jan 2021 12:00:00 GMT Bloomfield Company Records and Photographs. Bloomfield Company 5460.xml The Bloomfield Company was founded in Cleveland, Ohio, around 1906 as the Lattin-Bloomfield Company. The company manufactured women's dresses and apparel, and it was a pioneer in the introduction of half-sizes in women's clothing. The company remained in operation until 1959-1960. The collection includes primarily photographs with a few records. 5460.xml Sun, 01 Jan 2023 12:00:00 GMT NA'AMAT USA Cleveland Council Records, Series IV. Gift of Robin Lieberman 5461.xml NA'AMAT USA is a Labor Zionist women's organization originally called Pioneer Women. The Cleveland Council of NA'AMAT was founded in 1926, one year after the national organization came into being. As the organization grew, it was divided into numbered chapters. At its peak, there were fourteen chapters. In 1999, there were four chapters in the Cleveland Council, serving 650 women. Pioneer Women was organized to provide training, educational services, and social services to women, children, and families in Palestine. The Cleveland Council raised funds and sponsored programs that informed the Cleveland community of social service and educational needs in Israel. The national organization also promoted Habonim, a youth organization, and sponsored Jewish and cultural activities. In 1985 the name Pioneer Women was changed to NA'AMAT USA, in order to more closely match its sister organization in Israel, NA'AMAT. The NA'AMAT USA Cleveland Council Records, Series IV collection consists of agenda... 5461.xml Tue, 01 Jan 2019 12:00:00 GMT Hebrew Free Loan Association Records, Series V. Hebrew Free Loan Association 5462.xml The Hebrew Free Loan Association (founded 1904) is a century-old benevolent institution. It grants small, interest-free loans of up to $7,500 on a non-sectarian basis to individuals in financial need who do not qualify to borrow from conventional sources such as banks. A majority of the loans granted are for educational purposes; other loans are for a wide-range of needs such as home repairs, emergency medical care, rent, and funerals. The Hebrew Free Loan Association Records, Series V collection consists of loan applications, bylaws, correspondence, DVDs, financial statements, lists, meeting minutes, newsletters, photographs, proclamations, resolutions, and tributes. 5462.xml Tue, 01 Jan 2019 12:00:00 GMT Cornelia Schnurmann Foundation Records. Gift of Cornelia Schnurmann Foundation, 2005; Paul Mazoh, 2007 5463.xml Cornelia Schnurmann was born in Karlsruhe, Germany in 1901, the daughter of a wealthy, well known philanthropic Jewish family. Little is known about her early life. In 1940, Schnurmann faced deportation to a Nazi concentration camp. A Catholic friend assisted her escape to Luxembourg where she found refuge in a convent and was given shelter by the Catholic Nuns. She came to America on August 20, 1941, and her journey was self-sponsored. Schnurmann, age 40 and unmarried, was the sole surviving member of her family. Whether her family died in the Holocaust or whether they were deceased at the time she left Germany remains unknown. In Cleveland, Ohio, she joined friends Dr. Julius and Helen Weil, respectively the director of Montefiore Home for the Aged, and head of its social services department. At Montefiore, Cornelia worked with the Weils in developing an occupational therapy department, a sheltered workshop, as well as therapeutic and innovative programs for the aging population. She died in an a... 5463.xml Wed, 01 Jan 2020 12:00:00 GMT Kol Israel Foundation Records, Series II. Gift of Kol Israel Foundation, 2017 5464.xml The Kol Israel Foundation is an organization of Holocaust survivors resident in Cleveland. It was founded in 1959 to represent area Holocaust survivors while helping secure special education, guidance, vocational training, and social and economic adjustment for immigrants settling in Greater Cleveland. Beginning in 1978, a Second Generation group sponsored educational workshops while the foundation sponsored annual Holocaust commemoration events at different synagogues throughout the city. However, Second Generation Kol Israel no longer exists. The Kol Israel Foundation Records, Series II collection consists of an authorization, badges and pins, bibliographies, books, booklets, CDs, a cassette tape, certificates, a chronological table, cloth yellow stars, coins from the Third Reich period, correspondence, curriculum guides, drawings, DVDs, employee records, an essay, financial records, floor plans, an identity card, information sheets, invitations, letters, lists, maps, meeting minutes, news... 5464.xml Tue, 01 Jan 2019 12:00:00 GMT Jewish Heritage Exhibit Photographs, Series II. Jewish Community Federation of Cleveland 5465.xml The exhibit, "Heritage: Jewish Life in Cleveland, 1839-1978," commemorated the 75th anniversary of the Jewish Community Federation of Cleveland, Ohio, and was mounted at the Cleveland Arcade and the Western Reserve Historical Society in 1978. It was organized by Judah Rubinstein. The collection consists of 213 exhibit photographs copied from originals held by private individuals, the Western Reserve Historical Society, and other repositories. Most photographs are mounted, some are loose, and many are identified. Many of the photographs are reproduced in the book Merging Traditions: Jewish Life in Cleveland, by Sidney Vincent and Judah Rubinstein. Other photographs from this exhibit were processed as PG 186 Jewish Heritage Exhibit Photographs. 5465.xml Wed, 01 Jan 2020 12:00:00 GMT Bellefaire Records and Photographs, Series IV. Gift of Bellefaire JCB 5466.xml Bellefaire JCB, a residential treatment center for emotionally disturbed adolescents, is the oldest Jewish social service agency in Cleveland, Ohio. It was dedicated on July 14, 1868 as the Jewish Orphan Asylum, established to care for Civil War orphans. By 1900, more than 400 orphans lived there. The name was changed to the Jewish Orphan Home (JOH) in 1919, and later to Bellefaire when its facilities moved to the corner of Belvoir and Fairmount boulevards in 1929. In 1941 the Orthodox Jewish Children's home merged with the Welfare Association for Jewish Children and thus became the Jewish Children's Bureau, which then formed a functional merger with Bellefaire to become Bellefaire Jewish Children's Bureau (from which the current name Bellefaire JCB is derived). In 1942 the orphanage changed its focus to include residential therapeutic care for emotionally disturbed children and stopped accepting orphans in 1943. In 1954, Bellefaire opened its admissions to children of all faiths and today (2019) pr... 5466.xml Wed, 01 Jan 2020 12:00:00 GMT Dr. Lenore V. Buford Papers. Buford, Lenore 5467.xml The Lenore V. Buford Papers 1930-1989 and undated, consists of correspondence written by Lenore Buford when she lived in Paris soon after graduating from Fisk University, foreign money order receipts, graphics, newspaper clippings, notebook, photographs, play ticket, proclamation draft, program booklets, report card, scrapbook, and other material. 5467.xml Fri, 01 Jan 2021 12:00:00 GMT Isadore Fred Freiberger Papers. Gift of Ruth Gilbert 5468.xml Isadore Fred Freiberger was born on December 12, 1879, in New York City to Esther and Samuel Freiberger. He moved to Cleveland, Ohio, with his family when he was 3 years old. Freiberger attended Central High School, then worked his way through Adelbert College (Western Reserve University), graduating in 1901. After his marriage to Fannie Fertel in 1903, Freiberger began his 60+ year career at Cleveland Trust Company as a clerk, where he was eventually promoted to Board Chair in 1941. Freiberger served as director of Forest City Publishing Company, which published the Plain Dealer and Cleveland News, as well as nine other businesses. He also served in leadership positions at the Cleveland Chamber of Commerce, Cleveland Marshall School of Law, the Great Lakes Exposition, the Jewish Community Federation of Cleveland, Mt. Sinai Hospital, the Playhouse Foundation, and Western Reserve University. Recognition of service included the Adelbert College Distinguished Alumni Award, the American Heart Association Award of... 5468.xml Wed, 01 Jan 2020 12:00:00 GMT Oakwood Club Records and Photographs, Series II. Oakwood Club 5470.xml Excelsior was a Jewish social club established in Cleveland in 1872 partly in reaction to Jewish exclusion from such clubs as the Union Club. The club sponsored a variety of social events and provided dining and recreational facilities. In 1905, a second Jewish association, Oakwood, was established as a golf club in the suburban area of Cleveland Heights. In 1931, the board of the Excelsior leadership agreed to a merger and Excelsior ceased to exist as a separate entity. The Oakwood Club opened in 1906 with a 9-hole golf course. After expansion, the course was selected as the site of the 1921 Western Open Golf Tournament. After the merger with Excelsior, the clubhouse was expanded, with the addition of squash courts, bowling alleys, and an outdoor swimming pool. During World War II, the U.S. Army's 729th Military Police Battalion utilized the Oakwood clubhouse as a barracks. After the war, further improvements were made. In 1961, the membership approved the purchase of l... 5470.xml Wed, 01 Jan 2020 12:00:00 GMT Charles V. Proctor Photographs. Virginia Williams 5471.xml Charles V. Proctor, a well-known African-American commercial photographer, was employed by Standard Oil in Cleveland as the company's photographer until his retirement in 1972. Proctor also worked as a freelance photographer. His sports-related work was primarily of the Cleveland Browns of the 1950s and 1960s. His Browns photos were used by the team and often appeared in the Call & Post. He was also recognized as a portrait photographer handling both wedding and business assignments. 5471.xml Wed, 01 Jan 2020 12:00:00 GMT Saint Luke's Foundation Records. Saint Luke's Foundation 5472.xml Saint Luke's Foundation was established in 1997 after the Saint Luke's Medical Center was sold to Columbia/HCA Healthcare Corporation and its regional partners, the Sisters of Charity of Saint Augustine. The foundation was created to help continue the philanthropic mission of the Saint Luke's Medical Center and Saint Luke's Hospital Association. This collection consists of institutional and administrative records for Saint Luke's Foundation, Saint Luke's Medical Center and Saint Luke's Hospital Association, grant records from Saint Luke's Foundation, as well as some artwork and photographs related to these organizations. 5472.xml Wed, 01 Jan 2020 12:00:00 GMT Eva L. and Joseph M. Bruening Foundation Records, Series III. Eva L. and Joseph M. Bruening Foundation 5473.xml The Eva L. and Joseph M. Bruening Foundation was established in 1987 in Cleveland, Ohio, through the estate donations of Joseph M. Bruening and his wife Eva L. Bruening. It is an independent foundation that provides grants to agencies in the greater Cleveland, Ohio, area. The foundation's focus areas are education and social services, with an emphasis on care for the elderly, disabled, and disadvantaged. The collection consists of approved and declined grant applications as well as the program files for the Pathways to Learning Program. 5473.xml Fri, 01 Jan 2021 12:00:00 GMT Lewis and Fink Real Estate Architectural Drawings. Lewis and Fink Real Estate 5474.xml The Lewis and Fink Real Estate Records and Architectural Drawings consists of building and floor plan blueprints for Cleveland buildings and rent data records for the Hippodrome Building. 5474.xml Fri, 01 Jan 2021 12:00:00 GMT Rocker Family Papers. Rocker Family 5476.xml Samuel Rocker (1864-1936) and his family came to the United States in the 1890s from Lisko, Hungary. He later founded and served as editor and publisher of Cleveland's Yiddish-language newspaper, Die Yiddishe Velt (The Jewish World) from 1911-1936. Samuel Rocker was an active member of the Jewish community within Cleveland and was a member of several organizations. Samuel's son Henry Rocker (1882-1966) was a prominent lawyer in Cleveland and a leader in civic and Jewish affairs. Like his father, Henry was involved with several organizations both on a local and national level. This collection consists of articles, an oral history of the family, certificates, correspondence, diplomas, a drawing, family trees, newspaper clippings, photographs, translations of book excerpts, and wills. 5476.xml Fri, 01 Jan 2021 12:00:00 GMT Cleveland Neighborhood Progress Research Collection. Cleveland Neighborhood Progress 5477.xml This research collection is comprised of documents, articles, and reports related to Cleveland Neighborhood Progress compiled by Robert Jaquay in his duties as the Associate Director of the George Gund Foundation. Included with the documents, articles, and reports are an introduction, timeline, and bibliography created by Robert Jaquay. 5477.xml Fri, 01 Jan 2021 12:00:00 GMT John O. Greenwood Photographs. Greenwood, John O. 5478.xml This collection consists primarily of negatives, black and white and color prints, color slides, and some documents of Great Lakes boats and vessels collected by John O. Greenwood. John O. Greenwood worked in the maritime industry, achieving the position of Executive Vice President of the Interlake Steamship Company. Greenwood was also a historian of Great Lakes vessels, publishing numerous titles on the subject. The collection consists of approximately 6,000 color and black and white photographs, slides, and negatives. 5478.xml Sat, 01 Jan 2022 12:00:00 GMT Angus Arrington Papers. Arrington, Angus 5479.xml Angus Robert Arrington Jr., was one of the first African American Boy Scout leaders in Ohio. This collection consists of Boy Scout applications, correspondence, a family tree, "Jackson's International Almanac 1942: A pocket encyclopedia of the darker races," membership cards, programs for the Boy Scouts of America ceremonies, church, and memorial services; newspaper clippings, photographs, promotional pamphlets, a scrapbook, and scripts from a radio broadcast. 5479.xml Fri, 01 Jan 2021 12:00:00 GMT George and Louise Atchison Papers. Atchison, George and Louise, Family 5481.xml George and Louise Atchison were residents of Cleveland, Ohio, during the mid-twentieth century. George worked as a letter carrier for the City of Cleveland and his wife, Louise, owned a boarding house and was a member of organizations like the Future Outlook League and the Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA). The collection consists of advertisements, an application for the City of Cleveland Department of Safety, church materials, a Cleveland Indians souvenir scorecard, a cookbook, correspondence, Future Outlook League materials, letters, receipts and other financial records, photographs, a rosary, sheet music, and Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA) of Cleveland materials. 5481.xml Fri, 01 Jan 2021 12:00:00 GMT Eliza Bryant Village Auxiliary II Records, Series II. Eliza Bryant Village Auxiliary II 5482.xml The Eliza Bryant Center Auxiliary II, formerly known as the Junior Board of the Eliza Bryant Center, was a group founded by African American women in 1939 in Cleveland, Ohio. Organized by Bessie Blue, it was to provide residents of the Eliza Bryant Center, a home for aged African Americans, with a cheerful and homelike atmosphere. Members of the Auxiliary raised funds to purchase items and supplies such as kitchen equipment, linen, beds, carpeting, and electronics. The collection consists of, annual reports, an article titled "Historical Focus on Forest City Hospital in Cleveland, Ohio", brochures and fliers, calendars, constitution and bylaws, correspondence, donor lists, financial reports, floor plans, histories of the Eliza Bryant Home, invitations, meeting minutes, membership rosters, memorials, newspaper clippings, newsletters, notes, photographs, poems and songs, press releases, proclamations, program books from Christmas/ Holiday Mart and various other events , quiz sheets, schedules, and vendor cont... 5482.xml Fri, 01 Jan 2021 12:00:00 GMT Fidelity Baptist Church Records, Series II. Fidelity Baptist Church Records Series II 5483.xml Fidelity Baptist Church is a Cleveland, Ohio, church organized in 1891, as Fidelity Free Will Baptist Church. In 1892, it became Fidelity Baptist Church. In response to changing social conditions in the Wade Park neighborhood during the 1950s and 1960s the church became involved in several community welfare organizations. The collection consists of annual reports, calendars, church bulletins, Cleveland Landmarks Commission materials, constitution and church history documents, correspondence, disbursement reports, Fidelity First Preschool materials, financial records, fliers, income statements, ledgers, meeting materials, a miscellaneous graphic, notes, organizational chart, "Parents Guide to Nursery School," poems and prayers, a program book, progress reports, property information, quizzes and a church survey questionnaire, reports, Sunday School Secretary’s records, worksheets in braille, and a youth directory. 5483.xml Fri, 01 Jan 2021 12:00:00 GMT Martha Holden Jennings Foundation Records, Series VII. Martha Holden Jennings Foundation 5484.xml The Martha Holden Jennings Foundation is an educational foundation founded by Martha Holden Jennings and her nephew Arthur S. Holden, Jr., in 1958. Since its inception, the foundation has funded educational projects and programs throughout Ohio. The collection consists of annual reports, board minutes, executive director reports, grants, and newsletters. 5484.xml Fri, 01 Jan 2021 12:00:00 GMT Beatrice Yarus Abrams Family Papers, Series II. Abrams, Beatrice Yarus 5491.xml Beatrice Yarus Abrams and her husband, Harry Abrams, owned Caxton Printers Supply Company. She was active in the Cleveland, Ohio, area Jewish community, served as a board member of Cleveland Club of Litho and Printing House Craftsmen, and president of Memorial School PTA. She died on February 8, 2005, in Cleveland at age 95. The collection consists of account books, an advertisement, agreements, articles, an appraisal, booklets, budget books, bulletins, cards, certificates, contracts, correspondence, a daily planner, a family tree, a floor plan, an invitation, a ledger book, loan receipts, magazines, newsletters, newspapers, newspaper articles, newspaper clippings, notes, obituaries, photographs, poems, postcards, a poster, programs, speeches, a textbook, tickets, and yearbooks. 5491.xml Sat, 01 Jan 2022 12:00:00 GMT Harvey M. Williamson Papers. Williamson, Harvey M. 5494.xml Harvey M. Williamson (1908-1995) was an educator, civic and church leader. He was a teacher and a principal for the Cleveland Public School System, and served on the boards of many educational, civic, and church organizations. He was also a founder and the first chairman of the Black History Archives Project Advisory Committee (the African American Archives Auxiliary of the Western Reserve Historical Society), and served as a former president of the Phillis Wheatley Association. This collection consists of annual reports, a booklet, budgets, bulletins, church materials, the constitution and bylaws of Mt. Zion Congressional Church, correspondence, directories, material related to Juanita V. Williamson, meeting material, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) Cleveland Branch records, newsletters, newspaper clippings, Phillis Wheatley Association records, a photograph, playbills, a play script, program booklets, a research paper, and a study bulletin. 5494.xml Sat, 01 Jan 2022 12:00:00 GMT King, White, and Rose Family Genealogical Papers. King, White, and Rose Family 5496.xml This collection contains genealogical information and family histories regarding the King, White and Rose families, mostly recorded by family member and reunion planning committee member Lois J. Pickett of Cleveland, Ohio. The collection consists of a brochure, a calendar, church bulletins, correspondence, a description of the Nellie Chapman Scholarship Fund, family histories, financial reports, fundraiser reports, invitations, meeting materials, newsletters, newspaper clippings, a notebook, photographs, program books, resolutions, rosters, and a scrapbook. 5496.xml Sat, 01 Jan 2022 12:00:00 GMT Shaarey Tikvah Congregation Records, Series III. Congregation Shaarey Tikvah 5505.xml Shaarey Tikvah Congregation was founded in 1940 in Cleveland, Ohio, by a group of German Jewish refugees. In its first ten years, the congregation met in four different buildings in Cleveland. In 1950, the congregation purchased the Heights Presbyterian Church in Cleveland Heights, Ohio, and changed its name to Mayfield Temple. In 1970, the congregation merged with Hillcrest Synagogue B'nai Israel and moved to its building in Mayfield Heights, Ohio. The merged congregation was called Mayfield Hillcrest Synagogue, and had the Hebrew name Shaarey Tikvah - B'nai Israel. In 1986, the congregation moved to Beachwood, Ohio. It became the first conservative congregation in Beachwood and changed its name back to Shaarey Tikvah, which means "gates of hope." Shaarey Tikvah was associated with the Conservative movement in 1957. Rabbis who served the congregation were Hans Zucker, 1940-1942; Manfred Strauss, 1942-1946; Enoch H. Kronheim, 1946-1957; Jacob Shtull, 1958-1992; Gary Robuck, 1992-2003; Edward C. Bernstein, 200... 5505.xml Sat, 01 Jan 2022 12:00:00 GMT Mike Belkin Papers. Mike Belkin 5506.xml Myron "Mike" Belkin (1935-2019), of Belkin Productions, attended local schools in Cleveland Heights and participated in high school and college baseball and basketball, and then played professional baseball in the Milwaukee Braves farm system. In 1966, Mike along with his brother, Jules, started a company called Belkin Productions. Belkin Productions introduced live rock concerts in Cleveland as well as the Midwest. The Belkins were also responsible for managing the music careers of several well known bands. Belkin's business career established him as one of the premier rock music promoters for over four decades. The collection consists of articles, audio recordings, autographs, awards, book, booklets, brochures, calendars, catalogues, certificates, correspondence, a diploma, a directory, greeting card, ledgers, letters, newsletter, newspapers, notes, photographs, poster, programs, proposals, tickets, video, and a yearbook. 5506.xml Sat, 01 Jan 2022 12:00:00 GMT Manuscripts Relating to the Early History of the Connecticut Western Reserve. Western Reserve Historical Society The Connecticut Western Reserve was the area of northeast Ohio that Connecticut had reserved for her citizens in 1786 in exchange for ceding all western land claims to the U.S. government. The area comprised all land south of Lake Erie to 41' latitude and within 120 miles of Pennsylvania's western border. The Connecticut Land Company (1795-1809) was authorized by Connecticut to purchase and resell most of the Western Reserve, and received title to all Reserve land except for the 500,000-acre Firelands on the extreme west which was reserved for Connecticut victims whose lands were burned by the British in the Revolution. Gen. Moses Cleaveland, a company director and its general agent, led the first company survey party to the Reserve in 1796 and founded the settlement of Cleveland at the mouth of the Cuyahoga River. The collection consists of records of the Connecticut Land Company, including articles of association, proceedings, reports, minutes, accounts, records of drafts, and other papers, 1795-1827; la... Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church of Columbus, Ohio, Vestal Jewel Society Records. Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church of Columbus, Ohio, Vestal Jewel Society Records The Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church of Columbus, Ohio, Vestal Jewel Society sought to interest young girls in church work. The collection consists of a constitution, minutes of meetings, and a list of members. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT David Fording Papers. Fording, David David Fording (1842-1919) was a lawyer in Alliance, Ohio. The collection consists of a letter book containing copies of letters, mostly relating to legal matters, sent by Fording to nearly 200 persons in Ohio; and typescript copies of six speeches on historical topics. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Lucinda White Brown Diary. Brown, Lucinda White Lucinda White Brown (1822-1917) was the wife of Rev. S. J. Brown, of Perry, New York, and great-granddaughter of one of the first Universalist ministers in Maine. The collection consists of her 1854 diary that kept during a trip to the western United States. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Notebook. Notebook The collection consists of an anonymous notebook of detailed notes taken during a series of medical lectures in 1822. Includes an index to the lectures. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT James Arthur Emmerton Autograph Book. Emmerton, James Arthur The collection consists of James Arthur Emmerton's autograph book of the members of the Harvard University class of 1855. It includes photographs, biographies and autographs of both faculty and students from Harvard University. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Methodist Episcopal Church, Charlestown, Ohio, Records. Methodist Episcopal Church, Charlestown, Ohio The Methodist Episcopal church was located in Charlestown, Portage County, Ohio. The collection consists primarily of attendance, subscription, and marital status records of members, and superintendents' reports of Sunday School classes. Includes minutes of quarterly conferences, pastors' reports, and memoranda of the East Ohio Conference, Akron District, Charlestown Charge. The membership records contained in this collection have been indexed. Click here to search the WRHS genealogy index. Thu, 01 Jan 2015 12:00:00 GMT Cleveland, Ohio, School District Records. Cleveland, Ohio, School District Cleveland school district no. 1 in Ohio became East Cleveland school district no. 1 after 1845. The collection consists of minutes of annual meetings and school board election results for school district no. 1. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Warrensville, Ohio, School District Records. Warrensville, Ohio, School District Warrensville, Ohio, is located in Cuyahoga County. It is a suburb of Cleveland and is located on the east side of the Cuyahoga River. The collection consists of proceedings of school directors's meetings, contracts between teachers and directors, certificates for pay, and the district clerk's accounts for sub-district no.5. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Congregational Consociation of Portage and Summit Counties, Ohio, Records. Congregational Consociation of Portage and Summit Counties, Ohio The Congregational Consociation of Portage and Summit Counties, Ohio, was a local council organized "to promote fellowship among themselves, to ordain, install and dismiss Pastors, and to render each other all such assistance in ecclesiastical matters as may be requisite." The collection consists of a constitution, bylaws, and minutes. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Christian Church, Quincy, Illinois, Records. Christian Church, Quincy, Illinois The building committee of the Quincy, Illinois Christian Church was chaired by C. R. Richardson and included J. S. Fox, D. R. Howard and H. S. Kemp. The collection consists of proceedings of the meetings of the building committee and a list of subscribers. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Steubenville Female Seminary Records. Steubenville Female Seminary The Steubenville Female Seminar was a girls' school located in Steubenville, Jefferson County, Ohio. The collection contains a select-school book containing a list of students and reports on their attendance, achievement and behavior. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Methodist Episcopal Church, Ravenna, Ohio, Records. Methodist Episcopal Church, Ravenna, Ohio Methodist Episcopal church founded in 1832 in Ravenna, Portage County, Ohio. The collection contains primarily Sunday-school records, including attendance, marital status, membership and financial records, and minutes of the meetings of the church's Sunday-school board. Thu, 01 Jan 2015 12:00:00 GMT Lockwood Corners Literary Society Records. Lockwood Corners Literary Society The Lockwood Corners Literary Society was a discussion and debate society founded in 1874 in Lockwood Corners, Coventry Township, Summit County, Ohio. The collection contains a constitution, rules of order, minutes, and lists of members. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Canton Ladies Anti-Slavery Society Records. Canton Ladies Anti-Slavery Society The Canton Ladies Anti-Slavery Society was an abolitionist society founded in 1836 by the women of Canton, Ohio. The collection consists of a preamble, constitution, and minutes of three meetings. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Disciples Church, Ladies Aid Society Records. Disciples Church, Ladies Aid Society The Ladies Aid Society was a charitable society founded in 1872, by the women of the Disciples Church in Ravenna, Ohio, to collect money, food and clothing for needy families. The collection consists of a constitution, minutes of bi-weekly meetings, and lists of contributing members. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Ravenna, Ohio, School District Records. Ravenna, Ohio, School District Ravenna is located in Portage County in northeastern Ohio. The collection consists of minutes of annual meetings, resolutions, and procedures of school district no. 6. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Court Temperance Society of the Third Judicial Circuit, Ravenna, Ohio, Records. Court Temperance Society of the Third Judicial Circuit, Ravenna, Ohio The Court Temperance Society of the Third Judicial Circuit was a temperance society in Ravenna, Ohio, which was composed of judges, members of the bar, clerks, sheriffs and their deputies. The collection consists of background documents, a constitution, a pledge, a membership list, and financial records. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT American Plants Copied from Bigelow's Medical Botany Manuscript by Mary B. Lovell. American Plants Copied from Bigelow's Medical Botany Manuscript by Mary B. Lovell Mary B. Lovell was a student at the Young Ladies Seminary, Keene, New Hampshire. The collection contains textual descriptions and colored drawings by hand of various plants. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Eastern Cuyahoga County Horticultural Society Records. Eastern Cuyahoga County Horticultural Society The Eastern Cuyahoga County Horticultural Society was founded in 1886 in Euclid, Ohio, to promote horticulture and rural development. The collection consists of background documents, constitution, minutes, and list of members. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Cuyahoga County, Ohio, Auditor Records. Cuyahoga County, Ohio, Auditor The collection consists of "Reference directory of all the taxpayers in Cuyahoga County [Ohio] who returned for taxation $500.00 or more in personal property, money, or credit; an accurate compilation from the tax duplicates on file in the office of the County Auditor, Cleveland." Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Benson John Lossing Sketchbook. Lossing, Benson John Benson John Lossing (1813-1891) was an American historian and charter trustee of Vassar College. The collection includes pencil sketches, watercolor paintings, and crayon drawings depicting places and persons of historical importance, including scenes from the American Revolution, the War of 1812, and the American Civil War. Thu, 01 Jan 2015 12:00:00 GMT First Congregational Church, Randolph, Ohio, Records. First Congregational Church, Randolph, Ohio The First Congregational Church was founded in 1812 in Randolph, Portage County, Ohio. The collection consists of constitution, minutes (1855-1887), financial records, membership lists, admission procedures, creed and covenant, rules and regulations, baptisms, and a history of the church from 1802-1891, written in 1899. The membership records contained in this collection have been indexed. Click here to search the WRHS genealogy index. Thu, 01 Jan 2015 12:00:00 GMT Portage County Bible Society Records. Portage County Bible Society The Portage County Bible Society was an auxiliary of the American Bible Society organized in Ravenna, Ohio, to distribute copies of the Bible. The collection consists of a secretary's book containing the constitution, list of members, and minutes of the society. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Stage Office Book, Ravenna, Ohio. Stage Office, Ravenna, Ohio The Stage Office Book contains names of passengers, date and place of departure, destination, and other remarks for the Stage Office at Ravenna, Ohio. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Elbert Jay Benton Papers. Benton, Elbert Jay Elbert Jay Benton (1871-1948) was a professor of history. The collection consists of correspondence relating to the life of Archibald M. Willard and to the history of Willard's paintings; unpublished account of "The Spirit of '76 -- How Many Versions?"; and a typescript copy of Benton's article "The Movement for Peace Without a Victory During the Civil War" (1918). Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT David Higgins Diary. Higgins, David David Higgins (1761-1842) was a minister in Haddam, Connecticut. The collection consists of a diary of Reverend David Higgins. Includes an autobiographical account, comments on Reverend Higgin's religious views and on the revivalism of the early 19th century, copies of letters, and genealogical data (apparently written by his wife, Eunice Higgins). Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Consul Willshire Butterfield Papers. Butterfield, Willshire Consul Willshire Butterfield (1732-1782) was an editor and historian. The collection includes diaries, research materials, and original ms. copies or printed editions (with handwritten revisions) of books and articles by Butterfield. Includes 6 diaries kept on a trip to California (1849), diary kept on a trip to San Francisco (1851), and Butterfield's writings on William Crawford, the Washington-Crawford letters, La Salle and La Durantaye, Simon Girty, and Jean Nicolet. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Graduate's Literary Society Records. Graduate's Literary Society The Graduate Literary Society was founded in 1855 by graduates of Central High School (Cleveland, Ohio), to study and debate topics in literature. The collection consists of a constitution, bylaws, secretary's book, minutes of meetings, and list of members. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Young Women's Christian Temperance Union, Salem, Ohio, Records. Young Women's Christian Temperance Union, Salem, Ohio The Young Women's Christian Temperance Union was a temperance society founded in 1889 by the women of Salem, Ohio. The collection consists of secretary's book, including the constitution, pledge, list of members, and minutes of meetings. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Western Baptist Education Society Records. Western Baptist Education Society The Western Baptist Education Society was a Baptist church society which sought to provide an education at the Fairmount Theological Seminary in Cincinnati, Ohio, for those wishing to enter the ministry. The collection includes correspondence, constitution, list of officers, annual and financial reports, and minutes of annual, board, and executive meetings. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Isaac Backus Papers. Backus, Isaac Isaac Backus (1724-1806) was a Baptist minister and historian during the American Revolutionary War period. The collection consists primarily letters addressed to and copies of letters sent by Backus. Includes a copy made by Backus of an autobiographical account of the conversion of his wife, Susanna Martin (1724-1800); and draft of a chapter of his History of New England, with particular reference to the denomination of Christians called Baptists. Principal correspondent is William Richards. Thu, 01 Jan 2015 12:00:00 GMT G.H. Muller Diary. Muller, G. H. Written in French, this diary of G. H. Muller reflects daily activities of the writer and his frequent contacts with members of his family. Most of the surnames written in the diary are German. Thu, 01 Jan 2015 12:00:00 GMT Knights of Honor of the State of Ohio, Anchor Lodge No. 119 Records. Knights of Honor of the State of Ohio, Anchor Lodge No. 119 The Knights of Honor of the State of Ohio, Anchor Lodge N. 119, was a chapter of an Ohio men's secret society located in Elyria, Ohio. The collection includes bylaws, minutes of meetings, and lists of members. Thu, 01 Jan 2015 12:00:00 GMT Willoughby, Ohio, Records. Willoughby, Ohio Willoughby is located in Lake County, in northeastern Ohio. It was called Chagrin until 1834. The collection consists of minutes of trustee meetings, election results, school district records, indentures, and land records. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT George K. Jenkins Papers. Jenkins, George K. George K. Jenkins was a Quaker teacher in Mount Pleasant, Ohio, during the nineteenth century. The collection includes minutes, lists of certificates, members and marriages, and other records of various meetings of the Society of Friends in Delaware, New Jersey, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Virginia; records of Quaker schools and organizations, including the Ohio Yearly Meeting and its Committee on Indian Affairs, the New Garden Monthly Meeting, the Short Creek Meeting, and the Free Produce Association. Includes a journal of Jenkins' observations of Quaker colonies he visited in Canada, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio and West Virginia; an account of the immigration of William Harrison from York County, Virginia, to Mount Pleasant, Ohio (1817); and a memoranda book (1849-60) kept by David Updegraff on visits to Yearly Meetings in Indiana, Maryland and Pennsylvania. Thu, 01 Jan 2015 12:00:00 GMT Harmon Family Papers. Harmon Family The Harmon family moved to Mantua, Portage County, Ohio from Suffield Connecticut, in 1799. Elias Harmon held several public offices and was land agent for many Connecticut residents. His son, Orrin, was active in the land business and was surveyor for Portage County and the Pennsylvania and Ohio Canal. Julian Harmon was the son of Orrin. The collection contains the papers of Elias, Orrin, Julian and Martin Harmon. Includes correspondence, diaries, financial accounts and receipts, land deeds and memoranda of sales, legal documents, estate papers, powers of attorney, tax records, notebooks, surveys, and other papers, documenting their note collection and land agency business. Also, includes material on the Protection Life Insurance Co. of Hartford, the Franklin and Warren Railroad, the Pennsylvania and Ohio Canal, the Independent Knights of Temperance, and the fur trade and anti-slavery movement, with references to state and national politics, banking policies, and anti-masonic movements. Thu, 01 Jan 2015 12:00:00 GMT Samuel Bissell Papers. Bissell, Samuel Samuel Bissell (1797-1895) was a congregational minister and educator in Twinsburg, Ohio. The collection consists of a diary (1819) of a visit to New Haven, Connecticut; album of autographs (1823) of classmates of Bissell at Yale University; account books; daybooks (1825-1875) relating to the Twinsburg Institute; correspondence (1825-1895) with the Office of Indian Affairs, and other papers concerning efforts of Bissell on behalf of Indian youths; sermons; mortgage deeds, financial papers, and ledgers. Includes letters and receipts of parents of Bissell, Robert and Thankful Bissell, of Aurora, Ohio, and correspondence with the Western Reserve Historical Society and the Samuel Bissell Memorial Library Association of Twinsburg, Ohio. Thu, 01 Jan 2015 12:00:00 GMT Bickham Family Papers. Bickham Family The collection consists of an autograph album of Maria Bickham, personal correspondence, a "Book of Literary Memoranda" by Elizabeth A. Strickle at Hygiea [sic] Female Athenaeum (1846-1860), an account of the sojourn of William D. Bickham in California (1851); two scrapbooks of newspaper clippings on the American Civil War, including articles by Bickham for the Cincinnati Daily Commercial; and a journal of the birth and childhood of William Strickle Bickham, kept by his parents (1856-1865). Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Documents Signed by Ohio Governors. Documents Signed by Ohio Governors The collection consists primarily commissions and other certificates signed by Ohio chief executives from the first governor, Edward Tiffin, to the 48th, Frank B. Willis. Includes several documents signed by Arthur St. Clair, Governor of the Northwest Territory, 1787-1802. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Barber's Benevolent Union Record Book. Barber's Benevolent Union The Barber's Benevolent Union of Cleveland, Ohio, was founded in 1874 to provide sick and death benefits to its members. The collection consists of a preamble, constitution, bylaws, and minutes. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT General Relief Committee Records. General Relief Committee The General Relief Committee was a disaster relief committee in Cleveland, Ohio, which sent tools, clothing and food to areas damaged by fire in Michigan, Wisconsin and Chicago, Illinois. The collection consists of correspondence, shipping orders, lists of donors, and receipts relating to the activities of the committee and of its chairman, General James Barnett. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT American Library Association, Annual Conference Records. American Library Association, Annual Conference The American Library Association's 18th annual conference was held in Cleveland, Ohio, in 1896. The collection consists of a cashbook and vouchers. The financial accounts were recorded by Peter Neff, treasurer of the local committee which made the arrangements for the conference. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Cleveland Insurance Company Records. Cleveland Insurance Company The Cleveland Insurance Company was an insurance company in Cleveland, Ohio, which was originally directed by Peter M. Waddell, Leonard Case, Horace Perry, John M. Sterling, Edmund Clark, and James S. Clarke. The collection consists of a book of subscriptions for capital stock in the company, minutes of directors' meetings, and poll books of elections for directors. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Mechanics and Citizens Institute of Cleveland, Ohio, Records. Mechanics and Citizens Institute of Cleveland, Ohio The Mechanics and Citizens Institute was a Cleveland, Ohio, organization which sought to encourage manufacturing, pursuit of the fine arts, and diffusion of useful knowledge by establishing a library for general circulation. H. B. Tuttle was the secretary. The collection consists of a constitution and subscription records. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Joseph Badger Papers. Badger, Joseph Joseph Badger (1757-1846) was the first missionary to settle in the Western Reserve (Ohio). The collection consists of copies of the sermons (1825-1841) delivered by the Rev. Badger, mostly in Gustavus, Trumbull County, Ohio, and several pages from his diary concerning the building of a schoolhouse (1823) and a trip through Shawnee Indian country to Wapakoneta, Ohio, with observations on Indian customs. Includes four sermons delivered by Rev. Isaac Van Tassel (1831-1848). Thu, 01 Jan 2015 12:00:00 GMT Whig Party, Ohio, Records. Whig Party, Ohio The collection consists of a list of the members of the central committee of the Whig Party and of committees of vigilance in towns and counties throughout Ohio. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Lucia Van Tassel Notebooks. Van Tassel, Lucia Lucia Van Tassel was the wife of Rev. Isaac Van Tassel. The collection consists of Indian (possibly Ottawa) vocabulary and English translation prepared by Lucia Van Tassel, with the help of Lewis King, interpreter. The volumes were left unfinished because of her illness and the removal of the Indians. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Journal. Journal The collection consists of a journal kept by an unidentified itinerant preacher who traveled from Princeton, New Jersey, through New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, and Ohio. In Ohio he preached at Sandusky, Norwalk, Elyria, Cleveland, Painesville, Madison, and several villages in Ashtabula County. Includes brief comments on the places he visited, the people he met, and his unusual experiences. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Mayfield Lyceum and Isaac Leuty and Company Records. Mayfield Lyceum and Isaac Leuty and Company The Mayfield Lyceum was a scholarly society in Mayfield, Ohio whose officers included R. Hall, E. D. Battles and I. Leuty. The collection includes a constitution, list of members, and minutes of the Mayfield Lyceum, 1843-1845; and inventories of the accounts and goods of Isaac Leuty & Company which were transferred to Candee & Scribner of New York City, as payment of a debt, 1846. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A., Cleveland Presbytery, Woman's Foreign Missionary Society Records. Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A., Cleveland Presbytery, Woman's Foreign Missionary Society The Woman's Foreign Missionary Society was a Presbyterian missionary society founded in 1872 in Cleveland, Ohio, to support the foreign missionary work of the Presbyterian Church. It was formally united with the Women's Home Missionary Society on March 14, 1914. The object of this society was to assist in sending and sustaining female missionaries in foreign lands. The collection consists of a constitution, membership lists, minutes of quarterly and special meetings, and reports from the visiting sections located throughout Ohio. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT