720 XTF Search Results (docsPerPage=100;f122-subject=Jews -- Recreation -- Ohio -- Cleveland.);f122-subject%3DJews%20--%20Recreation%20--%20Ohio%20--%20Cleveland. Results for your query: docsPerPage=100;f122-subject=Jews -- Recreation -- Ohio -- Cleveland. Tue, 28 Jul 2020 12:00:00 GMT Jewish Community Center of Cleveland Records. Jewish Community Center of Cleveland The Jewish Community Center of Cleveland, Ohio, was formed in 1948 by the merger of the Council Educational Alliance (est. 1899), Camp Wise (est. 1907), the Jewish Young Adult Bureau (est. 1939), and the Cultural Department of the Jewish Community Council (est. 1945), for the purpose of providing recreational social and cultural programs to Cleveland's Jewish community. By 1959 the center moved from Cleveland to the suburb of Cleveland Heights. The collection consists of minutes, reports, administrative files, financial records, and other records of the Jewish Community Center, the Council Educational Alliance, and the Jewish Young Adult Bureau, and camp applications, historical material and other records of Camp Wise. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Jewish Community Center of Cleveland Records, Series II. Jewish Community Center of Cleveland The Jewish Community Center of Cleveland was formed in 1948 by the merger of the Council Educational Alliance (est. 1899), Camp Wise (est. 1907), the Jewish Young Adult Bureau (est. 1939), and the Cultural Department of the Jewish Community Council (est. 1945), for the purpose of providing recreational social and cultural programs to Cleveland, Ohio's Jewish community. By 1959 the center moved from Cleveland to the suburb of Cleveland Heights. A second building was constructed in Beachwood, Ohio, in 1986. The collection consists of minutes, programs, and reports. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Albert M. Brown Papers. Brown, Albert M. Albert M. Brown was born in Cleveland, Ohio, the son of Russian Jewish immigrants. Brown became involved in social work in the Cleveland Jewish community, working at the Kinsman branch of the Council Educational Alliance from 1923-1929. After working at a New York City settlement house from 1930-1938, he returned to Cleveland and worked at the National Youth Administration and Bellefaire. In 1942, he became director of the Toledo Jewish Community Center. After returning to Cleveland in 1955, he served as executive director of the Community Temple (Beth Am) until 1963, when he was appointed the founding director of Council Gardens in Cleveland Heights, Ohio, a senior adult housing community. During his retirement, he worked part-time as the social director of his own residence, the Concord Apartments in Cleveland Heights. Brown wrote and produced many one-act plays. He was also authored The Camp Wise Story: 1907-1988, published in 1989. The collection consists of certificates, correspondence, programs, newspa... Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Jewish Community Center of Cleveland Records, Series III. Jewish Community Center of Cleveland The Jewish Community Center of Cleveland, Ohio, was formed in 1948 by the merger of the Council Educational Alliance (est. 1899), Camp Wise (est. 1907), the Jewish Young Adult Bureau (est. 1939), and the Cultural Department of the Jewish Community Council (est. 1945), for the purpose of providing recreational, social, and cultural programs to Cleveland's Jewish community. By 1959 the center moved from Cleveland to the suburb of Cleveland Heights. The collection consists of scrapbooks that contain primarily newspaper clippings. Fri, 01 Jan 2016 12:00:00 GMT Jewish Community Center of Cleveland Records and Photographs, Series IV. Jewish Community Center of Cleveland The Jewish Community Center of Cleveland, Ohio, was formed in 1948 by the merger of the Council Educational Alliance (est. 1899), Camp Wise (est. 1907), the Jewish Young Adult Bureau (est. 1939), and the Cultural Department of the Jewish Community Council (est. 1945), for the purpose of providing recreational social and cultural programs to Cleveland's Jewish community. By 1959 the center moved from Cleveland to the suburb of Cleveland Heights. The collection includes awards, booklets, bulletins, correspondence, fliers, handbooks, invitations, lists, manuals, memorabilia, music, newspaper clippings, approximately 540 black and white and color photographs and slides, proclamations, program books, programs, scrapbooks, and scripts. Sun, 01 Jan 2017 12:00:00 GMT