720 XTF Search Results (docsPerPage=100;f121-subject=African Americans -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Genealogy.);f121-subject%3DAfrican%20Americans%20--%20Ohio%20--%20Cleveland%20--%20Genealogy. Results for your query: docsPerPage=100;f121-subject=African Americans -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Genealogy. Tue, 28 Jul 2020 12:00:00 GMT Melvin Drimmer Family History Research Papers. Drimmer, Melvin Dr. Melvin Drimmer (1935-1992) was a professor of Black and African History at Cleveland State University (CSU) from 1972-1992. Drimmer was a Phi Beta Kappa graduate of City College of New York and earned his doctorate in history from the University of Rochester. As a history professor at CSU, Drimmer assigned all of his students a family history paper, which was intended to provide not only a family tree, but also a socio-economic history of each family. The collection consists of correspondence, syllabi, classroom materials, and student-written essays. Tue, 01 Jan 2019 12:00:00 GMT Afro-American Historical and Genealogical Society. Cleveland Chapter, 1990. Afro-American Historical and Genealogical Society. Cleveland Chapter. Miscellaneous materials relating to Afro-American Historical & Genealogical Society. Cleveland Chapter, including: Afro-American Historical & Genealogical Society Cleveland Chapter Newsletter, Volume 1 Number 2, Summer 1990 (3 copies) Mon, 01 Jan 1990 12:00:00 GMT Jane Lee Darr Papers. Darr, Jane Lee Jane Lee Darr (1925-2006) was the adopted daughter of Bertha Blue (ca. 1877-1963). Bertha Blue was a member of a well known African American family in Cleveland, Ohio. She was a teacher at the Murray Hill Elementary School located in Little Italy, an Italian immigrant neighborhood on Cleveland's East side, from 1903 to 1947. The collection consists of artwork and biographies of Bertha Blue by Jane Lee Darr and correspondence and research files maintained by Darr on the Blue family. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Mount Sinai Baptist Church Records. Mount Sinai Baptist Church Mount Sinai Baptist Church was founded in the African American community of Cleveland, Ohio, in 1927. The church outgrew several locations on Cleveland's east side until building its church on property purchased at 7510 Woodland Avenue in 1969. The collection consists of agendas, anniversary booklets, anniversary programs, annual reports, budgets, by-laws, church covenants, constitutions, a directory, event flyers, financial reports, funeral programs, a history book, letters, minutes, and newsletters. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Fifth Christian Church Records. Fifth Christian Church Fifth Christian Church, founded in 1964, is a predominately African-American church in the Disciples of Christ denomination located on Benwood Avenue in Cleveland, Ohio. The church is a life member of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) and was recognized in 2009 by the Disciples of Christ for performing a significant number of baptisms. The collection consists of budgets, meeting minutes, membership lists, and programs. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Greater Avery African Methodist Episcopal Church Records. Greater Avery African Methodist Episcopal Church Greater Avery African Methodist Episcopal Church was founded by Reverend James J. Price on April 21, 1918 in Cleveland, Ohio. As the membership of the church grew, Reverend Price lead the church to purchase property at 2363 East 28th Street in 1920. In 1953, Greater Avery purchased the Swedish Evangelical Lutheran Bethlehem Church on Wade Park Avenue. The collection consists of bulletins, calendars of events, correspondence, financial records, historical sketches, ledgers, newspaper clippings, programs, and scrapbooks. Fri, 01 Jan 2016 12:00:00 GMT E. F. Boyd and Son Funeral Home Records, Series II. E. F. Boyd and Son Funeral Home E. F. Boyd and Son Funeral Home is one of the oldest African American funeral homes in Cleveland, Ohio. Known earlier as Boyd's Funeral Home, the name was changed to E.F. Boyd & Son Funeral Home in 1938 when William F. Boyd joined his father, Elmer Franklin Boyd, in the business. Branches were opened in East Cleveland, Ohio in 1972, and in Warrensville Heights, Ohio in 1996. They arranged the funerals of many of Cleveland's most prominent citizens, white and black, as well as lesser known individuals. The collection consists of correspondence, financial records, funeral books, and notes. The funeral books comprise the bulk of the collection and include name, age, cause of death, date of funeral, type of casket, place of death, birth date, spouse's name, parents' names and cost of arrangements. The collection is of value to those researching the funeral business in Cleveland, Ohio, particularly that of Boyd Funeral Home, as well as those interested in genealogy, mortality and occupational information on Afric... Thu, 01 Jan 2015 12:00:00 GMT