720 XTF Search Results (docsPerPage=100;f120-subject=Social work with youth -- Ohio -- Cleveland.);f120-subject%3DSocial%20work%20with%20youth%20--%20Ohio%20--%20Cleveland. Results for your query: docsPerPage=100;f120-subject=Social work with youth -- Ohio -- Cleveland. Tue, 28 Jul 2020 12:00:00 GMT Young Men's Christian Association Records. Young Men's Christian Association The Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA) is an international civic and social organization for men and boys. It's Cleveland, Ohio, branch was established in 1854 and quickly expanded to include numerous branches throughout the Cleveland area which offer a full range of community, recreational and educational activities. The collection consists of minutes, annual reports, publications, and scrapbooks. Sat, 01 Jan 2022 12:00:00 GMT Youth Service Records. Youth Services Youth Services was a Cleveland, Ohio, social service agency which evolved from a charity organization for women and girls, the Women's Protective Association (est. 1916). In 1930 it changed its name to the Girls' Bureau of Cleveland. In 1943 the Bureau expanded its services to include boys, and became the Youth Bureau of Cleveland - Girls' and Boys' Service. In 1958 it became Youth Service. Its main focus became casework and temporary housing for youths with family problems. In 1972 it merged into the Center for Human Services. The collection consists of minutes, reports, financial documents, correspondence, histories of the agency, its constitution, amendments, newspaper clippings, publications, scrapbooks, and photographs. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Florence Crittenton Services of Greater Cleveland, Inc. Records. Florence Crittenton Services of Greater Cleveland, Inc. Florence Crittenton Services of Greater Cleveland was chartered in 1911 as the Cleveland, Ohio, branch of the National Florence Crittenton Mission. The agency was a member of the Welfare Federation of Cleveland. Until 1971 its main purpose was to provide a temporary home and medical care for unwed mothers. Since 1971 it has served as a group home for non-pregnant adolescent women. Before 1971 it was called the Florence Crittenton Home. The collection consists of minutes, printed items, and a scrapbook. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT George Gund Foundation Records. George Gund Foundation The George Gund Foundation is a charitable foundation established by Cleveland, Ohio, businessman and philanthropist George Gund (1888-1966). It supports education and various projects of community organizations. Of particular interest to the foundation are new teaching methods and education for disadvantaged people. One of its special interests was the Ohio American Revolution Bicentennial Advisory Commission. The collection consists of annual reports of the Foundation, and grant proposals (including histories and reports) of grant-seeking organizations. Sat, 01 Jan 2022 12:00:00 GMT Selma H. Weiss Papers. Weiss, Selma H. Selma H. Weiss (1896-1974) was a social worker with the Welfare Association for Jewish Children in Cleveland, Ohio, and with the American Red Cross. The collection consists of correspondence, newspaper clippings, and other papers relating to Mrs. Weiss' personal life, social work career, and visit to the Soviet Union in 1936. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Young Men's Christian Association of Cleveland Records, Series II. Young Men's Christian Association of Cleveland The Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA) was established in Cleveland, Ohio, in 1854 with a program of lectures, prayer meetings, a Sunday school and a lending library. It initially focused on missionary and religious work. By 1880 the emphasis shifted toward character development and broadened to include boys as well as men, offering educational and physical training programs. During the 20th century the Y worked with the city's social settlements and welfare agencies, conducted fundraising campaigns during World War I, and increased its efforts to work with young boys. By the 1980s there were over 20 branches in the Cleveland area. The collection consists of minutes of the Cedar Avenue Boys' Branch, 1922-1977; also, general files of the Central YMCA, 1880-1975; publications and reports, including some issues of the Cleveland Red Triangle, the Association Boy, the Junior, News and Notes, and the West Side Boy; East End Branch scrapbook, 1929-1930; Cleveland surveys and studies, 1931-1962; Fenn College ... Sat, 01 Jan 2022 12:00:00 GMT Edward L. Worthington Papers. Worthington, Edward L. Edward L. Worthington was a Cleveland, Ohio, investment broker and civic leader who served as Welfare Director for the city of Cleveland and president of the Cleveland Boys' Bureau, an organization which assisted homeless youth during the depression of the 1930s. Worthington also served as chairman of the Farms Committee, a 1933 program to provide jobs for unemployed Clevelanders. The collection consists of correspondence, reports and publications. The collection pertains primarily to Worthington's work with the Cleveland Boys' Bureau, as its president and chief fund raiser. The correspondence includes material from the Boys' Clubs of America and Union League Foundation of Boys' Clubs, as well as Dudley S. Blossom, a prominent Cleveland philanthropist. The material highlights the efforts of a private charity to deal with the social upheaval and disintegration of the family structure brought on by the 1929 depression. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT George Gund Foundation Records, Series III. George Gund Foundation The George Gund Foundation is a charitable foundation established by Cleveland, Ohio, businessman and philanthropist George Gund. It supports education and various projects of community organizations located primarily in northeastern Ohio, but also in Ohio and the United States. Of particular interest to the Foundation are new teaching methods and education for disadvantaged people. The arts, civic affairs, economic development, the environment, and human services are also priorities of the Foundation. Abortion rights, women's issues, handgun control, homelessness, equal housing, museum development, retinitis pigmentosa research, AIDS public policy and education, community gardening, historic preservation, population control, family planning, and nuclear weapons control are also areas supported by the Foundation. The collection consists of grant files, including agendas, annual reports, architectural drawings, budgets, compact discs, correspondence, financial statements, grant proposals, lists, magazine arti... Sat, 01 Jan 2022 12:00:00 GMT George Gund Foundation Records, Series II. George Gund Foundation The George Gund Foundation is a charitable foundation established by Cleveland, Ohio, businessman and philanthropist George Gund. It supports education and various projects of community organizations located primarily in northeastern Ohio, but also in Ohio and the United States. Of particular interest to the Foundation are new teaching methods and education for disadvantaged people. The arts, civic affairs, economic development, the environment, and human services are also priorities of the Foundation. Abortion rights, women's issues, handgun control, homelessness, equal housing, museum development, retinitis pigmentosa research, AIDS public policy and education, community gardening, historic preservation, population control, family planning, and nuclear weapons control are also areas supported by the Foundation. The collection consists of grant files, which include architectural drawings, budgets, correspondence, financial statements, grant proposals, lists, newspaper clippings, one audio cassette tape, ph... Sat, 01 Jan 2022 12:00:00 GMT Cleveland: NOW! Records. Cleveland: NOW! Cleveland: NOW! was a multiracial joint public and private program for extensive urban renewal and revitalization in Cleveland, Ohio, created by Mayor Carl B. Stokes following the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. on April 4, 1968. The program planned to raise $1.5 billion over ten years. The first 2-year phase called for spending $177 million for projects in eight areas: neighborhood housing rehabilitation; accelerated urban renewal; the creation of 16,000 jobs; expansion of small business opportunities; city planning; health, welfare, and day care centers; summer recreation programs for youth; and the construction of Camp Cleveland. The program was discredited due to the Glenville Shootout of July 23, 1968, a gun battle between police and members of the Black Nationalists Organization of New Libya who obtained weapons with funds received indirectly from Cleveland: NOW! Stokes and the NOW! trustees were sued in 1970 by 8 policemen wounded in the shootout, but the suit was dismissed in 1977. Altho... Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT