720 XTF Search Results (docsPerPage=100;f118-subject=Pickands, James S., 1839-1896.);f118-subject%3DPickands,%20James%20S.,%201839-1896. Results for your query: docsPerPage=100;f118-subject=Pickands, James S., 1839-1896. Tue, 28 Jul 2020 12:00:00 GMT Pickands, Mather and Company Records. Pickands, Mather and Company Pickands, Mather and Company was a Cleveland, Ohio-based mining and shipping firm; a major supplier of iron ore and coal to the steel industry, with one of the largest fleets of freight carriers on the Great Lakes. It originated with founders Samuel Mather, Jay Morse, and James S. Pickands in 1883. To meet its ore transport demands, the firm formed the Interlake Steamship Company in 1913, which became the second largest fleet on the Great Lakes. By the 1920s, the company was the one of the largest producers of iron ore in the U.S. In 1929 a subsidiary, the Interlake Iron Corporation, was formed. Pickands, Mather also had heavy investments in the Youngstown Sheet & Tube Company. In 1973, Pickands, Mather and Company became part of Moore McCormack Resources, Inc. Moore McCormack sold its Pickands, Mather stock to Cleveland-Cliffs Inc. in 1986. The collection consists of bound annual statements, annual statements of the mining department, individual cost statements, and a bound commemorative book which was pres... Thu, 01 Jan 2015 12:00:00 GMT