720 XTF Search Results (docsPerPage=100;f118-subject=New York (State) -- Description and travel.);f118-subject%3DNew%20York%20(State)%20--%20Description%20and%20travel. Results for your query: docsPerPage=100;f118-subject=New York (State) -- Description and travel. Tue, 28 Jul 2020 12:00:00 GMT Henry Platt Cushing Notebooks. Cushing, Henry Platt Henry Platt Cushing (born 1860) was a geologist and member of the New York State Geological Survey. The collection consists of notebooks containing geological field notes, most of which relate to New York State. Included is an account of an 1890 expedition to Glacier Bay, Alaska. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Travel Journal. Anonymous The collection consists of a travel journal detailing a trip made by an anonymous young man from Boston, Massachusetts, to Zanesville, Ohio, September 1-29, 1829. The traveler stopped for commencement at Brown University, then proceeded through New York state, visiting prisons at Sing Sing and Auburn, staying with Cyrus Howard, a farmer in Morrisville, New York, and visiting Niagra Falls. He continued on to visit Cleveland, Canton, Zoar and Zanesville, Ohio, providing a detailed description of the communal settlement at Zoar. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT "Myrtle L." Travel Journal. Myrtle L. Myrtle L. and her friend, Carrie E., were travelers from Cleveland, Ohio, on a sightseeing trip by steamer to Buffalo, New York, and then by train across the state to New York City. During their train ride, they stayed in towns and cities along the way, including Albany, Poughkeepsie, and Tarrytown. After visiting New York City, they traveled to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The collection consists of a one volume journal and loose materials removed from the journal, kept by Myrtle L., a young woman whose surname is not recorded. The journal contains descriptions in detail of the sights and events of the journey, the young men they met, shopping excursions, friends and fellow Clevelanders they saw; and documents expenses incurred on the trip. Includes a description of the interior of the Rockefeller mansion in New York and an account of their visit there. The diarist also writes of her personal interests and of her impressions of the people and places she encountered. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Matthew Scott Cook Papers. Cook, Matthew Scott Matthew Scott Cook (1803-1882) was a surveyor, farmer, businessman and Ohio State legislator, of Chillicothe, Ohio. The collection consists of correspondence, land agreements and deeds, survey and field notes, financial receipts, legal briefs, travel journals, memoranda and account books relating to Cook's farm; meteorological data; and American Civil War correspondence. Includes 17 diaries of Amos Wheeler, Jr. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT