720 XTF Search Results (docsPerPage=100;f114-subject=General Incandescent Lamp Company (Cleveland, Ohio) -- Photograph collections.);f114-subject%3DGeneral%20Incandescent%20Lamp%20Company%20(Cleveland,%20Ohio)%20--%20Photograph%20collections. Results for your query: docsPerPage=100;f114-subject=General Incandescent Lamp Company (Cleveland, Ohio) -- Photograph collections. Tue, 28 Jul 2020 12:00:00 GMT Clement E. Beard Photograph Album. Beard, Clement E. Clement E. Beard was an electrical engineer and amateur photographer originally from Cleveland, Ohio. The collection consists of one photograph album containing 279 photographs, in black and white and some with hand-tinted color, relating to the family and work of Clement E. Beard. The album contains photographs taken mainly in Mexico; Cobalt, Canada; Cleveland, Ohio; Detroit, Michigan; Niagara Falls, New York: and several views from scattered Ohio locations. The Mexican and Canadian photographs relate largely to Beard's work as an electrical engineer at various mining concerns, including the Cleveland Cobalt Company in Canada. Cleveland and Ohio photographs include views of Luna Park, the General Incandescent Lamp Company, Public Square, League Park, Mill Creek Park in Youngstown, and a view of the Beard family home in Columbiana County. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT