720 XTF Search Results (docsPerPage=100;f110-subject=Medina County (Ohio) -- Social life and customs -- 19th century.);f110-subject%3DMedina%20County%20(Ohio)%20--%20Social%20life%20and%20customs%20--%2019th%20century. Results for your query: docsPerPage=100;f110-subject=Medina County (Ohio) -- Social life and customs -- 19th century. Tue, 28 Jul 2020 12:00:00 GMT Prickett and Moore Family Papers. Prickett and Moore Samuel Prickett was a resident of Richfield, Summit County, Ohio. He went to California in 1854 to mine for gold, but returned to Richfield in 1864 where he purchased a farm and served as a township trustee and school board member. Prickett was married first to Ann Amelia Garthwaite, and later, to Edith Welton. He had a daughter, Edith. The James Moore family came from Massachusetts to Medina County, Ohio in 1816. He served as county surveyor, township treasurer and Ohio state senator. Fanny Moore was the mother of Elizabeth Stockwell and possibly the grandmother of Sophronia Stockwell Bellows. The relationship between the Prickett and the Moore families is not known. The collection consists of correspondence, particularly of the Moore family of Ohio and Massachusetts. Also legal materials, a cash book of Samuel H. Prickett, and receipts. The correspondence details news of relatives, health concerns, deaths of children, homesickness, religious views, and financial concerns. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Nancie Swan Folkett Papers. Foskett, Nancie Swan Nancie Swan Foskett(1838-?) of Medina County, Ohio, was a schoolteacher (1861-1865) in various schools in Medina County. During 1861-1862, she and her father lived in LeSeuer, Minnesota with her brothers and their families, returning to Medina County in the spring of 1862. In 1865, Nancie Swan married Captain Porter Foskett of Brunswick, Ohio. They made their home in the city of Medina, where Porter Foskett became a successful businessman. The collection consists of eleven diaries of Nancie Swan Foskett, 1855-1869, and one account book of N.A. Goodwin, 1818-1834. The diaries detail her life as a teacher in various schools in Medina County, Ohio, her trip to Minnesota, civilian life during the American Civil War, and family events during the period. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT