720 XTF Search Results (docsPerPage=100;f109-subject=Hadassah, The Women's Zionist Organization of America.);f109-subject%3DHadassah,%20The%20Women's%20Zionist%20Organization%20of%20America. Results for your query: docsPerPage=100;f109-subject=Hadassah, The Women's Zionist Organization of America. Tue, 28 Jul 2020 12:00:00 GMT Rebecca Aronson Brickner Papers. Brickner, Rebecca Aronson Rebecca Aronson Brickner was born in Baltimore, Maryland. Her parents, Max and Dora Aronson, followed Orthodox Jewish practices and had strong ties to the Zionist movement. She received a rigorous Jewish education with Dr. Samson Benderley, and in 1910 accompanied him, as his Hebrew secretary, to New York City, where he established the Bureau of Jewish Education. While in New York, she became the first woman to complete a new program in Jewish education at the Jewish Theological Seminary, and the first woman with a professional degree in Jewish education in the United States. She married Barnett R. Brickner in 1919, accompanying him first to Cincinnati, Ohio, where be studied for the rabbinate at Hebrew Union College, and then to Toronto where his first pulpit was located. While living in Toronto, she established Hadassah in Canada; in 1912 she had been a founding member of Hadassah in the United States with Henrietta Szold. The Brickners came to Cleveland, Ohio, in 1925, where Rabbi Brickner was to lead Ansh... Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Rachel Diane Landy Papers. Landy, Rachel Diane Rachel Diane Landy was a Jewish nurse from Cleveland, Ohio. Born in Lithuania, she and her family immigrated to Cleveland, Ohio, in 1890. After graduation from nursing school, she worked in Cleveland with Dr. George Crile as an operating room nurse. In 1907 she began her association with Harlem Hospital in New York City. In 1913 she began a visiting nurse program in Palestine sponsored by the newly organized women's organization, Hadassah. In 1915 she returned to Cleveland to nurse her parents. In 1916, she relocated to New York City, becoming assistant superintendent of nurses at Fordham Hospital, and in 1917, superintendent of nurses at the Montefiore Home County Sanitarium in Bedford Hills, New York. In July 1918 she entered the United States Army Nursing Corps. During her army career she was stationed in Europe, in the Philippines, and at various army installations throughout the United States. In 1940 she became one of four assistant superintendents of the Army Nurse Corps. Her final army assignment, in ... Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT