720 XTF Search Results (docsPerPage=100;f105-subject=Cleveland (Ohio) -- Commerce.);f105-subject%3DCleveland%20(Ohio)%20--%20Commerce. Results for your query: docsPerPage=100;f105-subject=Cleveland (Ohio) -- Commerce. Tue, 28 Jul 2020 12:00:00 GMT General Store Account Book. Anonymous The collection consists of an account book of an unidentified owner of a general store in Cleveland, Ohio, detailing purchases of grocery items, stamps, stove polish, pencils, and other dry goods. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT A. A. McCaslin Papers. McCaslin, A. A. A. A. McCaslin lived in Cleveland, Ohio with his wife, Florence T. McCaslin, a former student of Western Reserve University. The collection consists of financial receipts from Cleveland businesses, and several checks signed by and letters addressed to Mrs. McCaslin. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT James Church Account Book. Church, James James Church was a rope dealer in Cleveland, Ohio. The collection consists of a record of accounts. Thu, 01 Jan 2015 12:00:00 GMT Perry Harrington Babcock Account Book. Babcock, Perry Harrington Perry Harrington Babcock (1816-1897) was a businessman who lived in Ravenna, Cincinnati, Aurora, and Cleveland, Ohio. The collection consists of a ledger containing accounts of goods shipped between Pittsburgh and Cleveland for the firm of Hubby & Hughes (Cleveland). Includes a biographical sketch of Babcock and other notes by Mrs. Babcock. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Philo Scovill Daybook. Scovill, Philo Philo Scovill was a Cleveland, Ohio, sawmill operator, proprietor of the Franklin House Hotel, and Cuyahoga County Commissioner. He came to Cleveland from Buffalo, New York, in 1816. The collection consists of a daybook containing newspaper clippings and lists of expenditures on household items (food, hardware, etc.). Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Charles Sumner Howe Papers. Howe, Charles Sumner Charles Sumner Howe (1858-1939) was the president of Case School of Applied Science in Cleveland, Ohio, from 1902-1929. The collection consists of correspondence, leaflets, diagrams, and other papers, concerning Howe's activities, representing the Cleveland Chamber of Commerce, and of other members of a special committee appointed by Cleveland Mayor Herman Baehr to consider plans for the construction of a bridge over the Cuyahoga River. This led to the construction of the Superior-Detroit High Level Bridge. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT W. Bingham Company Records. W. Bingham Company The W. Bingham Company was a hardware company, founded by William Bingham in Cleveland, Ohio, in 1841, which supplied Cleveland shipbuilding, mining, and railroad industries. Bingham acquired his original inventory from the Potter, Clark, and Murphey Company. The collection consists of ledgers, journals, and an account book of the W. Bingham Company. Includes a journal (1836-1839) of the Potter, Clark, and Murphey Company. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Retail Merchant's Board, Inc. Records. Retail Merchant's Board, Inc. The Retail Merchant's Board, Inc. was an organization of downtown Cleveland, Ohio, merchants which developed into a branch of the Cleveland Chamber of Commerce. It was founded in 1900. The collection consists of bound volumes of minutes with summary reports of special committees. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Curtis Lee Smith Papers. Smith, Curtis Lee Curtis Lee Smith was a prominent Cleveland, Ohio, businessman who served as vice-chairman of the Board of Trustees of Cleveland State University and as a Trustee of the Greater Cleveland Growth Corporation. the collection consists of the records of the Trustees and various committees and programs of Cleveland State University, and records of the Trustees and various committees of the Greater Cleveland Growth Corporation. Thu, 01 Jan 2015 12:00:00 GMT Curtis Lee Smith Papers, Series II. Smith, Curtis Lee Curtis Lee Smith (b. 1901) was a prominent Cleveland, Ohio, businessman and civic leader who served on the board of trustees of Western Reserve University and was president of the Cleveland Chamber of Commerce. He was also involved in the Businessmen's Interracial Committee on Community Affairs and the United Appeal of Greater Cleveland. The collection consists of correspondence, newspaper clippings, certificates, and speeches relating to his personal life, as well as materials such as minutes, reports, correspondence, and memos pertinent to his many civic activities. Useful for understanding the activities of a civic leader whose positions included the presidency of the Cleveland Chamber of Commerce, and membership on the board of trustees of Case Western Reserve University (and its antecedent, Western Reserve University). Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT New York Central Railroad Records. New York Central Railroad The New York Central Railroad first stationed business representatives in Cleveland, Ohio, in 1853, but it was not until 1870 that the railroad established a significant presence in the local railroad economy. During the 1880s-1890s, the New York Central purchased controlling interests in various railroads to secure routes into Cleveland. In the early twentieth century it built and bought lines through and around Cleveland. Yards that were key to New York Central's repair, maintenance, and storage operations in the Cleveland area included Collinwood, Linndale, and Union Depot. In 1921, the New York Central participated in financing of Cleveland Union Terminal on Public Square and eventually established a yard on that site. By 1929, the railroad had 9,963 employees in the Cleveland area, and had established one of two national offices in Cleveland. During the Depression, many yardworkers were laid off, and labor organizations had units within the yards. Many employees served in World War II, a time of unpreced... Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Cleveland Stock Exchange Records. Cleveland Stock Exchange The Cleveland Stock Exchange was organized in 1899 by Cleveland, Ohio, financiers Herbert Wright, W.H. Lamprecht, and R. H. York, and began operations on April 16, 1900. After the crash of 1929, the market never regained its pre-Depression value, and after fluctuating throughout World War II, it reached a post-crash high in 1946. In the late 1930s the exchange, registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission, sold odd lots and unlisted securities, and permitted incorporatd brokerages to purchase seats which had previously only been sold to individual brokers. The Cleveland Bourse, as it was commonly known, offered stocks and bonds primarily from local corporations engaged in manufacturing, refining and the rubber industry. Many of the men on the Exchange served in World War II, allowing women to assume responsibility as board markers, chief clerk, and traders. After a decline in yearly activity and the improvement of communications technology, the Cleveland Stock Exchange was replaced by the Chicago-ba... Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Greater Cleveland Growth Association Records. Greater Cleveland Growth Association The Greater Cleveland Growth Association was founded in 1848 as the Board of Trade in Cleveland, Ohio. It was reorganized and renamed the Cleveland Chamber of Commerce in 1893. It merged with the Greater Cleveland Growth Board in 1968 to form the Greater Cleveland Growth Association. Its goals have always been to provide a forum for business leaders to discuss ideas and problems, to stimulate investments in the local economy, and to make Cleveland a better place to live and work. The organization was active in many areas of progressive reform in the early 1900s, including housing codes, bath houses, and the organization of charitable activities. The collection consists of charters of the Board of Trade, minutes and annual reports of the Board of Directors of the Chamber of Commerce, files of the Transportation and Industrial Relations departments, records of legislative and other committees, general office files, membership records, newspaper clippings and photographs. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Peter M. and Horace P. Weddell Papers. Weddell, Peter M. and Horace P. Peter M. Weddell (1788-1847) was a merchant and and Horace P. Weddell (1823-1914) was a banker of Cleveland, Ohio. The collection consists of land deeds and agreements, financial notes and accounts, and other papers relating to business interests of Weddell and his son, Horace Perry Weddell, including the merchandising firm of P.M. Weddell & Company, the Cleveland hotel Weddell House, and land interests in Cleveland and Newark, Ohio. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Twinning of Cleveland, Ohio and the Parish of Achill, County Mayo, Ireland Records. Twinning of Cleveland, Ohio and the Parish of Achill, County Mayo, Ireland The twinning of Cleveland, Ohio, and Achill in County Mayo, Ireland, was a celebration of the ancestral connection of a large number of Cleveland's Irish American population to that area of Ireland, and afforded an opportunity to nurture business and social relationships between the two regions. The celebration was spearheaded by Stephen L. Mulloy and took several years of planning and organizing before the visit of the Cleveland delegation, which included Mayor Jane Campbell, Stephen L. Mulloy, and other prominent Irish Americans from northeast Ohio, in July 2003. In October 2003, Frank Chambers, Chairman of Mayo County Council and other dignitaries from Mayo visited Cleveland. Their trip included a visit to the Western Reserve Historical Society. The collection consists of agendas, booklets, brochures, business cards, calendar, catalog, correspondence, drafts, fact sheets, financial report, flyers, handwritten notes, information packet, invitations, itineraries, lists, menu, minutes, newsletters, newspaper... Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Historic Sites of Cleveland Records. Works Progress Administration The Historic Sites of Cleveland Project was funded through the Works Progress Administration (WPA), which gathered data during the Great Depression (1930s) on historic sites and organizations in and around Cleveland, Ohio. The collection consists of real estate transfer records (1800-1885) for Cleveland and Cuyahoga County, Ohio, and material relating to boardinghouses, bridges, buildings, canals, cemeteries, churches, civic and social institutions, dwellings, educational institutions, hospitals, hotels, military sites, manufacturing and commercial agents, public buildings, railroads, restaurants and saloons, roads, streets, theaters, and halls. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT